» RHODONDENDRON HONEY (Rhododendron sp.) It is produced only in the mountains, over the Alps, but with an inconstant production from year to year because of climatic conditions. Colour: very clear, opalescent, white when crystallised. Crystallisation: variable, but often with a doughy bulk. Fragrance: very light. Taste: delicate, with a very light aroma reminiscent of wild fruits jam. Usage: as table honey. |
» SULLA HONEY (Hedysarum coronarium) Produced in central and southern Italy and Italian islands. Colour: light, until almost white. Crystallisation: white compact body, not hard, with easily soluble crystals. Fragrance: very tenuous, straw, slightly fine. Taste: delicate with a pleasant characteristic of plants. Usage: for its delicate taste is suitable to any use. |
» CHESTNUT HONEY (Castanea sativa) Produced throughout Italy from the Alps to Sicily, in the areas of medium mountains. Colour: from amber to nearly black, according to the production areas. Crystallisation: generally absent or with large crystals. Fragrance: strong and penetrating, marseille soap, tannin. Taste: similar to its smell, pungent at first, then more or less heavily
bitter depending on the origin. Therapeutic properties: promotes blood circulation, antispasmodic, astringent,
disinfectant of the urinary line. Recommended for the elderly and children. Usage: as table honey. |
» STRAWBERRY TREE HONEY (Arbutus unedo) This particular honey is produced in the autumn in Sardinia, in central Italy and in the maquis. Colour: amber, green with gray tones. Crystallisation: almost always irregular, it ferments rather quickly, given the
high quantity of humidity. Fragrance: pungent, green, similar to the funds of coffee, wood bark. Taste: decidedly bitter and distinctive, rhubarb, peach-stone. Usage: pleasant not to everybody, as it is a honey of its own. |