Our farm, is of tiny dimensions and has Honey as its main product. Beyond Honey, our production includes small quantities of olive oil and wheat. The production of honey is distributed as in the following: Santoreggia, Thyme, Sideretis and multi-floral ("Millefiori") mountain honeyes are produced in high mountain at Collarmele (county of L'Aquila); in Brittoli (county of Pescara), we produce multi-floral mountain honey and Santoreggia honey; in the Nora Valley, we produce multi-floral honey and honeydew; and finally in Cerratina (Pe), we produce Acacia and Lyme honey together with honeydew.
Our laboratory for the extraction of Honey is in Cerratina Pianella, Via Dei Platani 14, county of Pescara.
Our products are obtained by craftsmanlike processing techniques: manual opening of honeycomb cells ("Disopercolatura") by means of cold knife cutting, extraction with centrifuge, filtering with linen cloth and ripening in inox steel containers from which honey drops and is finally put in glass jars. |